


My (Short) Story

My Wife and I
My Wife and I

¡Hola!  My name is Patrick.  I was a lifelong Texan until 2014 when I moved from Austin, Texas to Chennai, India.  We are now back in Arlington, Texas, enjoying the beautiful autumn weather and preparing for our next destination: Mexico Distrito Federal, or Ciudad de Mexico. I worked as an attorney before moving to India. Austin was hard to leave and every good thing you have heard about it is probably true – amazing people, beautiful scenery, delicious food. And all those adjectives are interchangeable.

Austin Sunset From my Back Yard
Austin Sunset From My Back Yard
Delicious Austin Food
Delicious Austin Food
Lake Austin
My Wife and My Dog on Lake Austin
Austin City Limits Festival 2013
Austin City Limits Festival 2013

I have a real passion for food and drink.  I love to travel.  I enjoy cooking and entertaining, and one of my favorite ways to explore new places is to visit the local food markets and of course try out the restaurants.  While in India I returned to brewing my own beer and experimented with making cheese, bitters and fermented foods.  I also did my best to learn how to prepare many local and regional dishes.

Even though I lived in Austin, for about the last ten years my work had been just about everywhere in the country except Texas. So I’ve had the benefit of spending a good deal of time in some wonderful places across the USA. Now I’ve had the good fortune to have visited many parts of India, southeast Asia and the South Pacific.  Looking ahead, I move to Mexico in the spring of 2017 and am thrilled at the thought of exploring the streets and country there.  My goal on this site is to share a unique perspective on what I have seen and learned during my travels.  Thank you for spending some time on this journey.